We Remove Glassdoor Reviews

At online Reputation Manage, we offer a fast and secure solution to remove negative Glassdoor reviews. Our team of experts provides personalized service and support to remove Glassdoor reviews and ensure your online reputation is maintained. Get started today!

Your Company's Glassdoor Rating Matters Highly To Prospective Employees.

glassdoor review
Before contemplating a job opportunity, 75% of professionals conduct internet research about the organization.
glassdoor review
The majority of job searchers make their decision on where to apply on company reviews.
glassdoor review
90% of people are hesitant to conduct business with a firm that has lower than four ratings out of five.

Negative reviews on Glassdoor can damage your company’s brand and make it harder to attract top talent. But there are ways to remove glassdoor reviews and protect your brand.

Online Reputation Manage objective is to assist companies in restoring their online reputation. When you come to us, we’ll do everything to repair your harmed reputation not only in Glassdoor but also in other 3rd party websites. 

Employee hiring, retention, satisfaction, engagement, and productivity can all be influenced by a company’s Glassdoor profile. For example, a 1-star increase in a company’s Glassdoor rating increases the likelihood of a typical employee staying for their next job by 4%. Furthermore, it costs companies 33 percent of a worker’s annual compensation to replace a departing employee.

If you’re concerned about remove negative glassdoor reviews, contact us today. We’ll work with you to create a customized plan to address your specific needs and goals. We have a team of experienced online reputation experts who will guide you through the process and help you achieve the best results.

Glassdoor review removal service by online reputation manage

How Can We Help In Remove Glassdoor Reviews?

As the leading provider of online reputation management services, we have a proven track record of helping companies to delete review on Glassdoor. Our team offers pay-for-performance solutions to get rid of negative Glassdoor reviews. What does this actually mean? If you choose to partner with us, you will only be charged only on successful removals of the fake Glassdoor reviews from the site.

Remove negative glassdoor reviews

Our Removal Process

  • Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of fake reviews on your Glassdoor profile. This helps us identify any content that violates Glassdoor policies or appears to be fraudulent.
  • Strategy Development: Based on our analysis, we develop a customized strategy to effectively remove fake reviews while also following Glassdoor’s guidelines.
  • Communications with Glassdoor: We handle all communications with Glassdoor on your behalf. This includes submitting removal requests and providing supporting evidence to strengthen our case.
  • Regular Updates: Throughout the removal process, we will keep you informed with regular updates on our progress and any developments that occur.
  • Legal Assistance: In case of more complex cases of fake reviews that pose legal risks to your business, we can provide legal assistance to address them.

10 Reasons To Choose Us For Glassdoor Review Removal

  • Expertise: Our team has more than 10 years of extensive experience in online reputation management and communication with review platforms like Glassdoor.


  • Success Rate: We have a proven track record of successfully removing fake Glassdoor reviews and restoring our clients’ online reputation.


  • Customized Solutions: Receive tailored strategies to address your unique situation, ensuring the most effective removal approach for your specific needs.


  • Dedicated Support: Throughout the fake Glassdoor review removal process, our dedicated account manager will be available 24/7 to provide you with regular updates.


  • Confidentiality: We understand the sensitivity of online reputation management and handle each case with the utmost confidentiality.


  • Affordable: We offer affordable services to help you build an effective, credible, and attractive brand image that stands out.


  • Compliance: Rely on our compliance with Glassdoor’s policies, relevant laws, and ethical practices.


  • Comprehensive Approach: Besides removing negative glassdoor reviews, we provide support in promoting positive feedback and enhancing your overall online reputation.


  • Pay-Per-Removal Model: Our Glassdoor review removal service operates on a pay-per-removal basis. You only pay for each fake review successfully removed from your profile.


  • No Upfront Costs: We offer our Glassdoor review removal service with no upfront costs, so you only pay for results.
glassdoor review removal service

Who Is This For?


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s important to remember that removing negative Glassdoor reviews can be crucial for maintaining your business’s reputation. Fake glassdoor reviews can affect your company’s image, potentially deterring potential employees or customers. By removing inaccurate or inappropriate reviews, you can ensure a fair portrayal of your organization.

To delete Glassdoor reviews we follow steps:

  • Log in to your Glassdoor account. 
  • Click on the Glassdoor profile icon on the top right corner of the site and select “Contributions” from the drop-down menu. 
  • On the left side of the page, choose the type of contributions you want to delete. 
  • Click “delete” to remove your contributions. 
  • Please allow up to 72 hours for reviews to be completely removed from Glassdoor.

Our company has developed proprietary methods for remove negative Glassdoor reviews with the help of our legal team. We are actively working to delete fraudulent reviews from Glassdoor by closely monitoring and validating every review. Our approach involves identifying reviews that are not authentic or violate platform guidelines. We work closely with our legal experts to gather evidence to support our claims, including fake or mistaken content. We then ask Glassdoor to remove these fake reviews and continue to follow up until they are taken down. This keeps our online reputation honest and fair.

The time it takes to remove Glassdoor reviews varies. It depends on the complexity of the situation and the workload of their moderation team. Some reviews may be removed quickly, while others could take a few days or even weeks. Glassdoor aims to thoroughly investigate each report to ensure fairness.

Glassdoor has its policies and guidelines regarding the removal of reviews. If reviews violate Glassdoor’s terms of service by containing hate speech, fraudulent content, or personal attacks, it’s usually okay to request their removal. However, We legally remove unwanted Glassdoor reviews by submitting to the platform.

Yes, glassdoor can permanently remove the reviews, if a review is flagged and found to be in violation, it will remove the glassdoor reviews permanently from the platform. Legitimate reviews that comply with Glassdoor’s guidelines may remain on the site.

Employers are unable to delete Glassdoor reviews directly. However, they can report reviews to Glassdoor’s support team if they believe the reviews violate the platform’s policies. Glassdoor will then assess the reported reviews and take appropriate action, including removal if they are found to be in violation.

It is important to respond to negative reviews on Glassdoor in a professional and constructive manner. Acknowledge the reviewer’s concerns, provide any necessary clarifications or context, and express a willingness to address the issue. This demonstrates transparency and a commitment to resolving issues, which can help mitigate the impact of negative reviews.

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